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5 Reasons to Choose the UAE for Business

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5 reasons to choose the UAE for Business

Startups in Dubai, UAE, a nation possessing one of the largest economies of the world and second largest in the Gulf, provides ease of doing business. This is the main reason that this country has expanded its economy profoundly in the last 30 years. The business and investment opportunities UAE has to offer is highly attractive, especially for foreign investors.

For entrepreneurs or capitalists interest in starting a new venture or investing in an existing one, the UAE offers a wide variety of business opportunities to choose from. The real-estate being the most profitable business these days, UAE also offers several different business prospects to choose from. From travel and tourism to education, healthcare and retail, the UAE, being the center of the business hub, has a lot of business incentives to offer.

Here are five reasons why you should startups in Dubai for business:

reasons to choose UAE for your Business

  1. Escalating Economy:By far, the UAE has the strongest expanding economy in the Gulf with increases in all business revenues, including trade, travel and tourism, exports, manufacturing, communications and more. Unlike other countries in the GCC, the UAE is not relying only on oil to improve the economic condition of the state. By not depending on oil and introducing several strategies to promote the non-oil sector, the nation’s economy is expect to flourish even more into a diversified, pioneering economy.
  2. Human Resources:Due to its diversified economy, individuals from all over the world live and work in the Emirates. According to an estimate, around 200 different nationalities are residing and working and startups in dubai. This is because the UAE follows simple labor recruiting rules, and thus recruiting employees from around the globe is easy and economical. Skilled and unskilled people move to the UAE because of its favorable environment and living amenities. There are personnel from interns to experts in every possible domain.
  3. Foreign Investments:The UAE encourages foreign nationals to invest in its economy. The government itself provides facilities for the development of economic policies, thus providing executive services to investors and businessmen to start a new venture or invest in existing businesses. Several regulations and pacts have been signed to offer incentives to foreign investors all around the world. The UAE provides free trade zones that offer 100% ownership of the business to foreign investors and businesses, giving them an exquisite prospect to invest in the country’s economy.
  4. Amenities: When it comes to providing the best possible facilities to investors, the UAE has left no stone unturned. The government has ensured the provision of facilities and a structured setup for all businesses and investments.  The UAE is abundant in resources and availability of a diverse, modern infrastructure is a plus. Economical costs of electricity, water, fuel, and real estate is another benefit of investing in the UAE.
  5. Social Security: The United Arab Emirates is consider safe and crime free. With their state of the art security forces, the crime rate is very low and controlled. Despite nationals from all over the world and a population of over 9 million people, the country has the lowest level of crime, which surpasses the rankings of many of the advance nations in the world.

In a nutshell, if you are finding a place to start your business venture, Ajman Media City Free Zone is recommended!


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