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How to Obtain the Dubai Residence Visa?

News & Blog

Dubai Residence Visa

Dubai Residence Visa ,Planning to move to the UAE? Look no further if you have questions regarding Dubai Residency Visa. We have got this topic covered for you. Read along for all you need to know on this.

Understanding the Basics

People residing in the Gulf do not need a residence permit while moving to the UAE. In the case of employment in the Emirates, your employer is due to provide you with the visa. You should keep in mind that your passport is usually valid for at least 6 months or more. Health condition is also important to consider, ensure no contagious or transmittable diseases of the applicant. Emirates ID will be issued to each as an Identity, the card is mandatory for every national and resident. It reflects and confirms the individual’s identity based on international standards. It protects the identity of individuals and the fight against fraud and counterfeiting.

In Case of Moving to Free Zone Areas

If you are relocating to the UAE Free Zone Area, the respective authorities will be in charge to provide you with the residence permit. The validity of the permit will be for three years and it is renewable. However, if you are an employee, the free zone authorities will be in charge and will issue your visa as soon as all the required documentation is submitted.

Dubai Residence Visa through Employment

As mentioned above, your employer will be responsible to provide you with your residence permit. He will sponsor you and arrange for an entry permit to the UAE before applying for your Residence Permit. In case you wish to sponsor your family, you must have a monthly income of AED 4000, but certain conditions apply. The rules differ slightly when it comes to sponsoring wife and children and sponsoring one’s parents, for instance with parents your minimum salary should be around AED 10,000. At first, an entry permit is issued and then a person has 30 days to complete all the necessary documentation and submit it for the Visa process.

Residency via Purchasing Real Estate

This is another way to obtain the luxury of residency in the Emirates. This is common with investors and capitalists. The value of the property to be purchased must be of AED 1 million minimum. The validity of the permit is for two years and it does not give you the right to work in the UAE though, which means you can only purchase property and reside in the Emirates but not get employment.

What Is The Required Documentation?

An application form is provided that needs to be filled and submitted. You will also need to submit originals and copies of documents including valid passport, birth certificate(s), driver’s license (if any), marriage certificate (in case of a spouse), and educational degree and diploma certificates.  You will also have to submit yourself for a detailed medical examination.

In the past years, the process has been made simple and quick. Hiring professional business registration firms like MAKATEB offers you the facility to obtain extensive know-how of this procedure and the assistance that you need to make this hassle-free and time-saving.

You can contact us now for further details!

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